Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2015
Link to: Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2015
LVVTA Newsletters
Link to: 2015 LVVTA Newsletter Jan-April
June-July 2013 VLR Programme Update Number 1
Welcome to this update on progress with Vehicle Licensing Reform, a joint NZTA and Ministry of Transport programme.
WoF and CoF inspection frequencies – Rule amendment update
During April and May the NZTA consulted publicly on a draft amendment to the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance (2002) to implement Government’s decisions on WoF and CoF inspection frequencies. We received 178 submissions and these are being reviewed before the Rule can be signed with confirmed implementation dates. For WoF the proposal is to change the frequency of warrant of fitness inspections, based on a vehicle’s date of first registration in New Zealand or overseas. For CoF the proposal is to extend the variable inspection frequency range to three to 12 months, with the default inspection frequency remaining at six-monthly as the risk profile of the heavy fleet does not justify changing this default. In addition to the proposed Rule changes, the consultation canvassed views on inspection frequencies and definitions of veteran and vintage vehicles, and on the CoF inspection frequency requirements for cars used in vehicle rental services. An announcement about the Rule being signed is expected in late July.
Certificate of Fitness workshops proved productive
During early June the NZTA convened three reference groups of representative stakeholders, customers, providers and vehicle repairers to participate in three day-long workshops for discussions about the CoF service delivery model review. The discussions were productive and generated three perspectives which the VLR team will use to inform the policy decisions. It was also pleasing that some service providers who attended spoke very highly of the workshops and felt they were listened to. The next set of workshops is in July, with a final round again of three day-long workshops in August.
Transport Services Licensing (TSL) future options assessed
Since March the NZTA and MOT TSL project has been considering options for how to improve the entry, management and exiting of transport service operators, and whether farmers and trades people might be excluded from the Goods Service Licensing (GSL) regime. The scope, risks and benefits of the current transport licensing system have been assessed, aiming for the right balance for the TSL system, based on what an operator does and the characteristics of their vehicle. The TSL project team is talking to stakeholder representative groups shortly about various options to gain input into the policy process before reporting options to the Transport Minister in late September.
Annual vehicle licensing (AVL) changes being considered
Recommended changes to the annual vehicle licensing system are currently being shaped in order to make it easier for vehicle owners to re-license their vehicle online and pay on time. Too many people are getting licensing infringements, with about $4 million in fines issued monthly, and the system needs updating. The AVL project is talking to key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Justice, Road Police and some local territorial authorities, and expects to define initiatives to the licensing process in August. These include any funding implications and proposed changes to legislation. Changes to the annual vehicle licensing system are not expected to adversely impact road safety. The recommended approach will use targeted tools to encourage people to pay on time and comply. This approach is significantly different from the current process, which relies heavily on issuing infringements to deal with vehicle owners who do not renew their licence on time.
Want more information?
For more information about the VLR projects see the NZTA website here or email
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Vehicle Licensing Reform aims to modernise the regimes for Certificate of Fitness, Transport Services Licensing, Annual Vehicle Licensing and Warrant of Fitness, to achieve compliance cost savings for businesses and households. Savings can be made without compromising the current objectives of these systems, particularly where road safety is involved. Road safety remains a key driver.
Useful Links to the LTSA Website
Safe Driving –
Home Page –
Published rules –
Rules in progress –
Draft rules submissions –
Registration of interest in Land Transport Rules –